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We all crave blemish-free skin, thanks to the pervasive images of ladies with flawless complexion everywhere we turn.
Fortunately, it is possible to diminish and even clear all the common types of facial pigmentation.
Common Facial Pigmentation
1. Freckles
These are small and flat light brown spots that appear on the skin such as the cheeks and nose due to sun exposure. They show up in the teenage years, increasing with age.
Freckles can be reduced and lightenend by avoiding sun exposure, as well as regular application of sunscreen and a good skin lightening cream regimen. If creams and sun avoidance still do not give satisfactory results, they can be safely removed with
- KMC Light and Peel treatment (chemical peel with photodynamic therapy)
- broadband light therapy or
- pigment laser treatment.
2. Solar lentigines (age spots)
These are brownish pigmentation that occur on the face, arms, legs and other sun-exposed skin as a result of long term sun exposure, causing ageing of the skin. They usually first become apparent between age 30-40 and can get progressively more with age. Some age spots become thicken and darken with time. Solar lentigenes are harmless and do not turn cancerous. They can be left alone or removed for cosmetic reasons.
As with treatment of freckles, prevention is done with regular use of broad spectrum sunscreen and sun avoidance. Solar lentigenes may be lightened with the KMC Home Creams Programme, the KMC Light and Peel treatment, broadband light therapy or pigment laser treatment.
3. Melasma
This is a very common type of pigmentation among Asians. It appears as brownish patches over the cheeks, though sometimes it occurs on the foreheard, temples, bridge of the nose, upper lips and jaw line may be affected as well. Melasma results from the interplay of genetic, hormonal and UV factors. Women are more commonly affected as compared to men. Worsening is often reported after prolonged sun exposure, pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives.
Melasma is challenging to treat as it can clear successfully with a session of treatment, but recurs. Melasma is best controlled with regular use of broad spectrum sunscreens, sun avoidance and KMC Home Skin Lightening Cream Programme. The KMC Light and Peel treatment helps to speed up clearance.
4. Naevus of Ota or Hori's Naevus
This is a pigment disorder affecting mainly Asian women in their 30s to 50s. It appears as brown to greyish spots over the upper cheecks and bridge of the nose.
Genetic and hormonal factors are possibly responsible. The pigmentation is relatively deep within the skin; therefore treatment with creams is usually ineffective.
Naevus of Ota can be effectively lightened with pigment laser, either in one session which has a longer downtime, or by multiple sessions.